Welcome, and thank you very much for taking the time to visit Heath Realty on the web! We will provide listings on this site for beautiful residentials, breathtaking ranches, attractive commercial properties, and valuable lots.
If you are new to the Riggins/Salmon River area, feel free to take our Riggins Tour to get you a little more aquainted with our cozy little town. There are many reasons to live in a place like Riggins, and most of them can only be understood through experience.
The Riggins Chamber of Commerce is also a great place to check with to get more information on the town and surrounding area. We encourage you to visit their website, and do e-mail us if you have any questions!
Once again, thanks for stopping by and we hope that we can help you find the home/property of your dreams!
-Vickie Heath, Owner
If you have any questions or comments about the site, please e-mail the webmaster: webmaster@heathrealty.com
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