This site is designed to introduce you to Advantage Therapeutic Massage of Rexburg as well as offer you general information about therapeutic massage and where to go for more information on massage related topics.
If you have never had a professional massage before you it will be useful to know what to expect and have many of your questions answered before you make your first appointment. You may not know if massage will help with your specific issues, if it's too expensive, if it's safe for you in your condition, or if the effects will be what you're looking for.
Maybe you're not "the kind of person" that gets massage. Aren't those people a bit weak or self-absorbed, or rich? Being "tough" in your ability to deal with chronic pain, stress and disease is an admirable quality. Life can be hard, and we all need a little "toughness" to help us get through it. But massage can be a great survival tool and in many people's lives it is a vast untapped resource for improved health and wellbeing.
Taking good care of ourselves is a step toward being the best we can be. Not only do we benefit from a happy, healthy life but our families and those around us are blessed when we are well.
Why not give your life the massage advantage?