Idaho Falls, full service auto service and car repair shop providing complete automotive repair. All vehicle and auto repairs are guaranteed.
- 1870 S Yellowstone Hwy
- +1 (208) 214-4273
Auto Repair Shop in Boise, ID
- 1320 W Main St, Boise, ID 83702
- +1 (208) 385-0200
Our shop has been in the Boise downtown area since 1981.
- 1202 West State Street, Boise, Idaho, 83702
- +1 (208) 336-5315
Property signage
Property impound
Vehicle/boat storage
Emergency road service
Round Rock Towing
Austin Towing
- 710 S Interstate 35, Round Rock, TX 78681
- +1 (512) 255-4441
C&S Auto Repair provides full service auto automotive repair in Idaho Falls, ID. We service both cars & trucks and all makes and models. Repairs have a nationwide warranty.
- 2435 East Iona Rd, Idaho Falls, ID 83401
- +1 (208) 524-2770
Our auto repair and parts store is dedicated to providing fair, honest, and friendly service that will not only meet, but exceed our customers expectations.
- 2069 S Broadway Ave Boise ID 83706
- +1 (208) 378-4075