Attorney Greg S. Silvey is an experienced appellate lawyer practicing extensively in the Idaho Supreme Court, the Idaho Court of Appeals, and the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. His Boise based practice handles state and federal cases arising from anywhere in the state of Idaho.
Greg practices exclusively in the area of appeals and related matters. He handles civil appeals of all kinds as well as criminal appeals, including appeals of petitions for federal habeas corpus and state post conviction relief. He represents Idaho inmates in parole and parole revocation hearings.
Greg also provides assistance to other attorneys with their appeals, ranging from legal research and case evaluation to the preparation of signature ready briefs. He can associate as co-counsel or act as local counsel for pro hac vice admissions as needed, or simply provide behind the scenes assistance.
At the trial level, Greg assists trial counsel in preserving issues for appeal, including researching issues and preparing legal memoranda for dispositive motions.
If you are a lawyer or litigant with a case that is currently on appeal or that will be appealed, please contact Greg Silvey to learn how he can be of assistance to you.
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